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Social Media for Independent Business Owners

Helen Damario • 13 January 2021

Social media actually gives you the advantage over bigger brands. Why?

A local business can speak with a local voice, understanding its community, and has more opportunity to engage with local consumers about their products and services.

If you are not readily using social media, then you should be; knowing who your audience members are, and how to communicate with them, is imperative. It allows your business to evolve with your audience and clients in mind, knowing that you are meeting their wants and needs.

There are many ways in which to do so, and social media platforms are ever-evolving, but actively engaging your audience is key. What is the use of making Tik Tok videos and Instagram reels if most of your potential customers are on Facebook? Increasing your numbers and insights is fine, but if it doesn't convert into value to you or your customer, what's the point?

Customers need confidence, even prior to viruses and lockdowns, about visiting the high street, due to not knowing what they will find when they are there. Procedures, how to order, what to do when you visit, what they will need to bring with them etc are, is vital information.

Use social media to ask your customers questions, find out what is important to them at the moment, is there anything that they cannot find and you can supply?

If you are lucky enough to have a dedicated member of staff to do this for you as part of their role, you are meeting present-day requirements. If you take a look at current recruitment opportunities, the market is flooded with adverts from companies, big and small, looking for expertise in online marketing and advertising. 

We can show you how to engage with social media, or do it with you, with a variety of packages on offer, with lower budgets in mind, and we can tweak to suit your bespoke needs. We can help you to post relevant information in an engaging way that is appropriate for you, your products/services and your audience.
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